Independent welcomes Adam Rolland to its team

Independent Average Adjusters, a leading Average Adjusting and Marine Insurance Consulting Firm based in Athens, Greece, is pleased to announce the appointment of Adam Rolland, formerly with Braden Marine Inc. of Montreal, Canada, as Director.

Adam continues a long family tradition in broking and underwriting  and so adds an extra dimension to our existing team of adjusters, headed by my Co-Founder and good friend, Paul Cook, together with Alan Phelps and Julia Roumanou

Adam is a Full Member by examination of the Association of Average Adjusters of the United States and Canada, and was recently elected to the Association’s Board of Directors. 

I would like to stress that Paul and Alan have made clear their intention to continue to live in Athens – which they both consider as home – and make available their unrivalled adjusting and consulting expertise to Independent’s clients.

Finally, I am happy to say that the youngest member of the team, Julia Roumanou, a Senior Associate by examination of the Association of Average Adjusters, is successfully balancing her adjusting work with her preparations for qualification for Fellowship of the Association and her care of a young boy and a baby daughter. All kudos to her!”

Adam’s appointment comes at a time of significant momentum for Independent, which recently celebrated its 25th anniversary and is now better positioned to develop its adjusting and consulting services to meet the needs of the ever-expanding Greek shipping community, and to take advantage of opportunities to develop its international network.
